Gre­gor J. Enck

Cer­ti­fied Public Accoun­tant | Tax Consultant

Gregor J. Enck

Gre­gor J. Enck

Dipl. — Kauf­mann
born May 31 1964 in Rhede

Pho­ne: +49 4471 / 180 46 — 0


1990 Busi­ness School Gra­dua­te (Diplom-Kauf­mann), Facul­ty of Manage­ment, Eco­no­mics and Social Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cologne
1990 – 1996 PWC Deut­sche Revi­si­on AG, Colo­gne and Ber­lin, audits of big and midd­le-sized indus­tri­al companies
1996 Accre­di­ta­ti­on as a Tax Con­sul­tant (Steu­er­be­ra­ter)
1996 – 1998 DOMUS Revi­si­on AG, Ber­lin, spe­cia­li­zed on audits and coun­sel of housing associations
1999 – 2003 Seni­or Mana­ger at an audi­ting com­pa­ny in Olden­burg with focus on audi­ting inter­na­tio­nal group companies
2001 Accre­di­ta­ti­on as a Cer­ti­fied Public Accoun­tant (Wirt­schafts­prü­fer)
Sin­ce 2003 Share­hol­der of PART­NER Treu­hand, CEO
Sin­ce 2019 Mana­ging limi­t­ed part­ner of NIE­HAUS­PART­NER, CEO of the com­ple­men­ta­ry company

Fields of Expertise


  • Natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal annu­al and con­so­li­da­ted finan­cial state­ments accor­ding to Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code (HGB) and IFRS, as com­pi­ler as well as auditor
  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on / con­ver­si­on of accoun­ting to IFRS, inclu­ding instal­la­ti­on of report­ing struc­tures for medi­um-sized enter­pri­ses; Audits acc. to Sec. 57 a Ger­man Cer­ti­fied Accoun­tancy Regu­la­ti­on (WPO)
  • Indus­try focus: infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy, housing eco­no­my, indus­try, rene­wa­ble energies



  • Mem­ber of Insti­tut der Wirt­schafts­prü­fer in Deutsch­land e.V. [Insti­tu­te of Public Audi­tors in Ger­ma­ny, Incor­po­ra­ted Asso­cia­ti­on] (IDW)
  • Foun­ding mem­ber of the BAN e. V. (“Busi­ness Audit Net­work”, a co-ope­ra­ti­on of inde­pen­dent cer­ti­fied public accoun­tants in Germany)