Spe­cial audits

Spe­cial exams for a varie­ty of issues and occasions

A cer­ti­fi­ca­te or vali­da­ti­on by a cer­ti­fied audi­tor can beco­me neces­sa­ry for a varie­ty of issues and cau­ses. The­se cer­ti­fi­ca­tes recei­ve their signi­fi­can­ce becau­se they are issued by an inde­pen­dent exter­nal audi­tor who pro­vi­des a trust­wor­t­hy assess­ment of the sub­ject mat­ter. We pro­vi­de seve­ral dif­fe­rent spe­cial audits for our cli­ents, of which the fol­lo­wing examp­les illus­tra­te a sample:

  • Foun­da­ti­on and increase of capi­tal stock audits
  • Audit of com­ple­men­ta­ry tax balan­ce sheets during mer­gers and acqui­si­ti­ons, chan­ge of cor­po­ra­te forms, etc.
  • Soft­ware and pro­cess orga­ni­sa­ti­on audits
  • Manage­ment audits, audits based on the Law of Bud­ge­ta­ry Procedures
  • Audits based on the Rene­wa­ble Ener­gy Law
  • Audits based upon the Ger­man Sta­tu­te on the Law of Real Estate Agents and Com­mer­cial Contractors