Whe­ther deal­ing with tax returns or con­so­li­da­ted finan­cial state­ments, we are a com­pe­tent part­ner at your side and pro­vi­de solu­ti­ons to all your concerns.

Who we are

We are an agen­cy of cer­ti­fied accoun­tants who focus on medi­um-sized enter­pri­ses. At our regio­nal offices in Dues­sel­dorf and Clop­pen­burg, we ser­ve ven­tures from all over Ger­ma­ny. We flu­ent­ly com­mu­ni­ca­te in the regio­nal, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal lan­guage – with you and for you.

Your requi­re­ments and indi­vi­du­al needs are at the cent­re of our con­sul­tancy. We offer our advice regar­ding all mat­ters of tax law and busi­ness manage­ment. We are experts at deal­ing with sen­si­ti­ve and con­fi­den­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on. The­r­e­fo­re, trust and respect are the foun­da­ti­on of our cus­to­mer rela­ti­onships – our cli­ents are often lifel­ong man­da­tes who app­re­cia­te our loyalty.

Our Part­ners

Gregor J. Enck

Gre­gor J. Enck

Cer­ti­fied Public Accoun­tant | Tax Consultant

Dipl. — Kaufmann

E‑Mail: g.enck@niehauspartner.de

Pho­ne: +49 4471 / 180 46 — 0

Henrik H. Evers

Hen­rik H. Evers

Cer­ti­fied Public Accoun­tant | Tax Consultant

Dipl. — Kauf­mann (FH)

E‑Mail: h.evers@niehauspartner.de

Pho­ne: +49 4471 / 180 46 — 0

Carsten Hilgefort

Cars­ten Hilgefort

Tax Con­sul­tant

Dipl. — Kaufmann

E‑Mail: c.hilgefort@niehauspartner.de

Pho­ne: +49 4471 / 180 46 — 0

Frederike Lübbehüsen

Fre­de­ri­ke Lübbehüsen

Tax Con­sul­tant

Bache­lor of Arts (FH)

E‑Mail: f.luebbehuesen@niehauspartner.de

Pho­ne: +49 4471 / 180 46 — 0

Our fields of expertise

Niehauspartner Kanzlei Haus


We use our know­ledge of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal accoun­ting to pro­vi­de alter­na­ti­ves that will ensu­re pre­cise and bene­fi­ci­al balan­cing of your accounts.

Niehauspartner Steuergesetze

Tax Con­sul­tancy

Whe­ther you are part of an inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­ny or a local far­mer, we offer com­pe­tent advice and sup­port in all tax-rela­ted mat­ters and pre­sent you with dif­fe­rent ope­ra­tio­nal options.

Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung

Busi­ness Consultancy

The suc­cess of your com­pa­ny is at the heart of our con­sul­tancy. Whe­ther you want to expand, diver­si­fy, found or trans­fer your busi­ness — we offer com­pre­hen­si­ve advice.

You need help?

We are only a pho­ne call away and offer imme­dia­te and pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port con­cer­ning all your busi­ness mat­ters. Cont­act us via Mail or pho­ne and find out about our qua­li­ty services!